Santa Cruz Auto Body
Repair and Collision

Call Us(831) 462-0698
Mon - Fri: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  1. Certified CA state small business
  2. I-CAR Gold Class Professionals®
  3. BBB
  4. PPG

What is an I-CAR Gold Class Professionals®?

  • Highly Trained
  • Knowledgeable
  • Dedicated

I-CAR Gold Class Professionals® businesses look out for you. They have up-to-date collision repair training and the knowledge to properly repair your collision damaged vehicle.

All of the technicians at Ken’s Auto Body and Striping are I-Car certified. This independent organization offers training and certification programs that ensure technicians are up to date on the latest vehicle manufacture’s auto body repair techniques and safety standards.

Ken’s Auto Body and Striping in the Community

Ken’s Auto Body and Striping has always been an active part of our community. We know that without you, we wouldn't be here! Every year, we provide sponsorships and volunteer our time to give back to our community. With a focus on children's programs, we support athletic teams, scholastic programs and various non-profit organizations.

Protect Your Investment. We recognize that your automobile is a major investment. When its body is damaged, for your own peace of mind, you deserve to know ahead of time that it will be professionally restored and refinished to O.E.M. vehicle standards. We have total confidence that you will be satisfied. We support this confidence by:

Our experience, our state-of-the-art equipment, and our staff make it possible for us to give you the BEST in quality and we present it with confidence.

We have over a quarter of a century of collision repair experience. This heritage of experience is the solid foundation on which your vehicle is restored to factory specifications.

Experience alone isn't enough. As specialists, we combine our personal touch with the latest in modern collision and computer technology.

Frame and structure are restored to factory specifications. Structural strength is rebuilt. Factory handling and safety performance is mandatory. We use factory new and used parts. When requested, we offer CAPA, Diamond, and DOT certified parts to save our customer’s money.